Monday, December 3, 2012

Beats By Dre green Monday they still keep kno

Sung gold just was helpless to current situation, he knew, Li Shi Min this wanted to compare to put together depletion with this square, the other party after death had a pass in support of money food, yellow river at this time again in the freeze, the logistics supplies not difficult, much less, river the common people of the east all read Li Shi Min of well, the local Hao clan noble family provides Qian Liang to Li Shi Min in succession, compare put together to eliminate to consume, settle Yang Jun have no the slightest of advantage.
Settling Yang Jun is guest's soldier, come Tang Jun's site battle, Ma Yi, grounds like wild goose door,etc is a side pass again of bitterness cold ground of, the list want to support this with those two Qian Liang of counties count 100,000 battalion battles, undoubtedly is Arabian Nights, because of
Yang Jun's strategy is very simple, that is to keep a war by war and beat what ground Qian Liang in that place, use to support a battalion battle.
Attain words like this, military discipline what of the nature Be hard to promise, while going to the country to advertise for a food, also unavoidably will resort to violence, use violent means, you need not knife gun, other people meeting willingly Help of does the food send to you?This is the very plain truth, therefore, settle Yang Jun can be said to be indignation and discontent at river conduct and actions of the east, basically, river east person all to settle Yang Jun hate to the bone and regard as them robber's bandit.
Before, this was poured with the strategy that the war kept a war to still show results, that time, marching of Tang Jun manager Pei a wished to want with settle Yang Jun battled, therefore, have never aimed at settle Yang Jun's weakness starts, empress come, degree Suo at first greatly after hurting, Pei the scared Dan Zhan , on changing the strategy in the past days, just firmly stooded by camp Lei, could not refuse a war, this time, he saw certainly the weakness of Yang Jun logistic supply, hence, big four rob everywhere, orderany all of the common people into city, can not treat home, practiced to get ready to fight the invading army of strategy, swear that a food also forbids to stay to settle Yang Jun, he does like this, although come to an a certain purpose, its behavior make river east person's complaints are heard everywhere, Tang Jun momentary and settle Yang Jun generally and equally lose public support.
But, after Li Shi Min substitutes Pei, he still practice get ready to fight the invading army of strategy, adopt of but is publicity and the method for persuading, make those common people automatically give up home, burn down farm goods, along with Tang Jun behind withdraw, certainly, also have some stupid and stubborn, not willing to give up leave the clansmen of home, wait at this time, settle Yang Jun will appear and burned to kill to rob, nothing will not do, however, the old genius knows, settling of this time Yang Jun still far at 100 in outside, the beat settle military flag of the guy is actually some what person, also only have god knows!
Can not find the opportunity of decisive battle, the strategy of getting ready to fight the invading army of Tang Jun just aim at settle Yang Jun of a little bit weak, the warfare carries on to this situation, the advantage tilted to one sided to Tang Jun at 1.1:00, situation gradually to settle Yang Jun disadvantageous, luckily this time, Liu Wu's frequency got battalion to capture Jin sun, Li Yuan Ji doesn't fight but escape, Jin sun is Li Tang's the ground of house, have a great deal of food storage, this for a while, settle Yang Jun finally slow lead spirit come, be unlikely to draw back troops because of lacking a food.
But, delivered the food to the river from the Jin sun east, need to be passed by a long long of distance, logistic supply to settle Yang Jun come to say to is also a hard nut to crack, particularly the seasonal changes in such a snow and icebound, the road muddy south goes.
However, even if there is problem, problem also not big, want ~only a little bit harder or can solve!
Truely let Liu Wu Zhou, Sung gold just, looked for an equal person to baffle of still, appeared a few Tang Jun on this logistic supply route, their mysterious movements, made people difficult to look for a trace, these of Tang Jun's troops, much then ascend thousand, little several then 100, they never and settle Yang Jun cross swords face to face and can't openly strike against city defense that settle Yang Jun's occupy, either, they do an affair, that is a Rao food way, attack settle the brigade of transporting food of Yang Jun.
Li Tang and river east's groundwork was really too deep, settle these other parts of country persons of Yang Jun basically could not control the trace of the other party and establish bottom no matter how much trap, the other parties can't take the bait, once having never established descend to sink Jing, the other party appeared punctually and was like today like this and successfully assault the circumstance of transporting food the brigade is to often see not fresh, gradually, Sung gold in the front just the food grass of the big camp supply beginning some become critical.
Meeting why so?
Sung gold looked for mutually 100 to think just not get its solution, for keeping Tang Jun from inheritting a Rao originally square food way, for garrison forces cypress wall of Tang Jun Da Dun's camp, settle Yang Jun sent a great deal of patrol Zhen ride, at this day that coldly freeze, still make an only more than 1000 people ride a soldier in two soldier front upper stream Yis, never break off, at under the circumstance like this, Tang Jun isn't likely to send a troops to own rear to inherit Rao!
BE fore how many wars in be defeated of Kui soldier, was organized by a certain Tang Jun's great commander now?
Look for mutually can think like this, want Tang Jun who defeat the cypress wall, have to have in the confrontation last breeze, is also say to solve the problem of food grass supply, but want to promise the safety of food way, have to solve a few Tang Jun who threaten the food way, want to solve these Tang's soldiers, have to find out their organizers, just can be prescribe medicine for specific ailment like this!
Unfortunately, the favour lived for 12 months, to this generally getting of Tang's soldier they still keep knowing not a thing.
They naturally the surprisingly at the back organize this Tang's soldier to inherit Rao settle provisions for army's way of Be just a fair sex of generation, she is an arch hand to render up the pass of Wei Ze the soldier in summer, let the soldier in summer and settle ammunition put together of Li Xiu is rather,Beats By Dre Free shipping day.
Sung gold just and looked for mutually although can not work out a food way the problem that is inheritted Rao, however, they also figured out a solution, that be with that of the way return that body, they put a target in the Pu plank, river the county city of the east , there, also have influence existence that resists Li Tang!

The fourth gathers chapter 102 at the beginning of year-end some affairs
Renew time:2008-10-716:40:10 chapter word numbers:3421

In October, year, summer county Hao strong Lyu Chong Mao see settle Yang Jun Shi greatly, Tang Jun often fights to often throw to lose a big department,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday, hence the heart livings difference ambition, at the county in summer spread patrimony to the utmost, recruit to flow a people, gather many Wei's king of starting revolution, claiming to bes, respond to settle Yang Jun Liu, Wu Zhou, .
At that time, river east Tang Jun's commander-in-chief was still Pei Ji, he sent troops to attackstoned Lyu Chong Mao, but was defeated by Lyu Chong Mao, Li Yuan immediately appointed the permanent stability radicle of Wang Li Xiao in order to command, work department still book solitude bosom boon, the Xia state manager(the headquarters established in three Xia City, Henan) is at the Yun, inside history vice minister Tang Jian is pair will, lead a soldier to send punitive expedition, but at that time, standing alone bosom boon's waiting a person still was laying siege to according to Wang Xing who guard the Pu Ban(at first old Sui river east county county city) this, temporarily could not draw out troops to left for an attack.
Until at the beginning of this year, Li Shi Min leads a soldier and settle when Yang Jun Song's gold just squared off in the cypress wall, Li Xiao Ji and solitude kept in mind talented persons like boon,etc to gather good troops, made to offend city apparatus so much and prepared to start an attack to Lyu Chong Mao's department.
At the beginning, the Xia state manager should immediately start aggression to Lyu Chong Mao's department at Li Xiao Ji of Yun suggestion and adopt the plan of raid and multiply by ice snow to cover with of toward the other party start suddenly assault, beat the other party a caught unprepared, Lyu Chong Mao, however only one Mao thief, just battle wear acquaint with mountain and stream geography of the county in summer, and then is a leading the way of local clansmen person, just take a corner to resist stubbornly just, all of these are the advantage of the other party, this square only the soldier is amazingly fast expensive, Lyu Chong Mao can not make use of these advantages and need not to correct to gather battalion, needs one crack can defeat it.
However, because the Pei Ji sent a soldier to go on expedition last time and had no achievement but return, standing alone bosom the boon thought should not such gist,Beats By Dre green Monday, should be steady again matter, gather good troops first, manufacturing offend city apparatus so much.Train for several days after, again take the offensive Lyu Chong Mao by open teacher, as long as this square worked well preparation and pressed a crest by Mount Taishan of power appear in the county in summer, enemy's soldier also helpless!
Finally, Li Xiao Ji adopted the suggestion of standing alone bosom boon, result until just enter hair to the county in summer at the beginning of this year, gave Lyu Chong Mao with the machine of breather.
Lyu Chong Mao knows.The list is the attack that can not resist this Tang's soldier with oneself's amount of land productivity.Hence.He to settle Yang Jun Song's gold just the department parties went abroad as ambassador ask for help, by this time, Sung gold was rather impartial for Li Xiu of the rear the action of department the set of Rao food way feels become sad and was in the light of oneself indisposition, also wanted to let the mind of the other party indisposition, Related articles:

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