Monday, November 12, 2012

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Sung Chang Gung without after the sorrow valley, just up flew sword to feel that the surroundings contained difference, he clapped under the station after death small at him'jade Die', let her fly air, and oneself also soared to the skies to resist spirit, will fly sword to let out defense outside the body.
The different meeting afar appeared three black light, turn an eye to come right away near front, originally these people pursue settle Wang Zhu Ci Jyong after get here be defendoofed strategies countercheck, have been being hovered around to an outside.
Hasn't been leaving because they discover the monk here the capability is lowly, but this of the valley is really very good, the other party is obviously a small group, their greed together, have already monopolized this place viewpoint.
But after several times striking against, can not break the defense strategies of the other party, wear remaining of brain, they are also that the at hearts are very hot, established the small magic trick of some caution in the outer circle of bigs, with surveillance inside of the person pass in and out.
Otherwise the square circle that overalies ten several insides, they how to see come over, Sung at the time that Chang Gung came back they had already discovered, just he goes in too quickly, didn't block just.
Now once he come out, three people's responding through the small magic trick of caution and flying to soon kill to come over , in their in the minds, wased already theirs here, and anyones all want to exterminate.
Three black lights see Sung Chang Gung have been already taken precautions against, at he not the distance stopped down and appeared a weird person of three fopperies, what to lead the way is a beard hair white old man all, dry thin of shape, noodles face malicious Li.
Is another two is also that the outlooking is difficult to see, and the feature is brutish, Sung Chang Gung a dozen of eyes see out, these are three person should be a self-discipline evil teach of achievement method, so be influenced by the method Jue, the mental state inclines toward cloudiness and improbity.
The weird foppery that sees them, should be a self-discipline evil for some the skies that invoke foreign country, or collect the magic tricks of psyche, take on the body all is these method used in magic trick machine, the appearance is weird, obviously three people all have no the universe bag.
To the old man who leads the way Sung Chang Gung felling its capability is lower limited than he or she, while another two people should be the old man's disciple, capability all at around 34 a hundred years, he could not help bringing up 12 cents' spirit.
The old man who leads the way also sees out the goblin that fixing of Sung Chang Gung dances in the wind for being not weak, particularly seeing his head ascending, he feels that the other party isn't very general, asks a way with the hoarse voice:"Is this way friend the host here?How don't know to call?I wait and way friend have no the enemy resent, way why does the friend send pupil to cause disturbance in imperial palace?"
To the interrogation of this old, Sung Chang Gung despises of the Chi say with smile:"Way friend this words Be getting wronger, I am Hahn people, my pupil is also Hahn people, and the barbarians invaded me to win soil,do not we can move in own land north bound?"
That old is one Leng, then quack cachinnation way:"Being big pure to want to sit this world is a number, the way friend since embraces a man to govern not to put, want with us for the enemy, that have to offense."
His words sound declines and have already lent they talk of time,Cheap Beats By Dre, be secretly preparing moreover two people to immediately deliver to move, this is their usual practice, a fore the noodles talks to slack off an enemy, another two preparation attack.
Among them, a personal Yang hand lets out the small Fan that a Chinese foot grows, an appear black annoy four to overflow, the black spirit inside ghost voice chirps, sharp and irritating to the ear, several efforts of interests filled the air a 100 meters square circle and wrapped uped into Sung Chang Gung.
Sung Chang Gung has been soaring to the skies to resist spirit, will'green Long Chang living sword'let out in addition to body, form the defense sword of a ten meters diameter turn, see this black spirit, he cans not helps a smiling, so of the thing of garbage he hasn't put in the eye.
By this time the another has already thrown toward Sung Chang Gung what time dark light, Sung Chang Gung just didn't put them in the mind, so to this what time the dark light didn't also care, he doesn't think that the other party can break own defense sword turn.
But when that what time the dark light approach to defendoof a sword turn behind quietly the explosion, the dint of the huge vibration, let the defense sword of Sung Chang Gung turn almost collapse, he this just discovers that what time dark light is the Yin thunder that is incredibly evil to teach.
His in the mind a surprised, have never thought the other party to good command of so combat, he hurriedly true dollar infusion sword in, it are or so, enhance defense, then prepare to receive nearby three meters will'the Xuan Yin blood Yan absolute being Gang'let out.
BE by this time having again what time Yin thunder already the deceit enter into him under the covering up of black spirit of the neighborhood quietly explode again, huge explosion strength the whole body that Sung Chang Gung shake disorderly Zhan, the sword light collapses.
By this time together black light suddenly in his top of head ten several rice places appear, direct put to drop down, feeling of Sung Chang Gung instinct is dangerous, the subconscious ground luck has'blood shadow the absolute being only escape a method'moment flee 100 meters how far, left the scope that the black spirit overalies.
Suddenly his in the mind a surprised, think of small'jade Die'still stay at first air, just the whole occurrence of too quick, quickly arrived him to basically have no to in time look after this kid.
The black light seeing arrive just that mightiness falls in, he shouts oneslef hoarse ground to shout a way:"Die son!", Finish, he knew that he's break out of came, but the kid has no break out of.
This a moment regrets, cut up rough, sad etc., the emotion elephant tidewater sort of various mightiness is flowed out, his brains a hot, ignore regardless of ground of will all of'the Xuan Yin blood Yan absolute being Gang'moment was full of body inner part.
He the mind fall now, a heart wants to demolish these three people and use for own fault expiation, he already basically neglecting and so a great deal of of' the Xuan Yin blood Yan absolute being Gang' doing his capability like this to the hurting of blood vessels and body willing all.
'The Xuan Yin blood Yan absolute being Gang'after being full of his body, outside overflow, let his whole individuals all the elephant caught fire similar, the mood anger hates of Sung Chang Gung work properly to feel to greatly open because of this huge strength.
His moment felt three people's position through the black spirit, direct start to carry'blood shadow the absolute being only escape a method', hurtle toward three people's position to, he starts using he's body to do weapon, because of this he feels a little more more thrilling.
Those three people also discovered his abnormality, but hadn't waited they to done what, Sung Chang Gung has already become the light of fire of one regiment blood-red color to hurtle to come over and basically takes no cognizance the defense of dint the other party.
Just drive the defence capabilities countercheck of the other party the ground was inching to grind to a stop for a while, went in for the direct hit, the his body is outside like flame ground'the Xuan Yin blood Yan absolute being Gang'suddenly on rising a to shrink, this enemy's whole body Jing blood, vitality and psyche are all absorbed by him to come over.
Sung Chang Gung didn't stop over, direct change direction another person, although that person want to obstruct him, but his defense magic trick basically has no function, because what he faced is to declare evil teach a first achievement method<The blood nerve& gt;.
BE declare<The blood nerve& gt;Medium first attack magic trick of'the Xuan Yin blood Yan absolute being Gang', his destiny nature and front an individual similar, whole body Jing blood, vitality and psyches all at moment accept a to get empty for the absorbability.
There are these two people's buffers, that old man obviously recognized'the Xuan Yin blood Yan absolute being Gang', he even ignored magic weapons, direct drive together jet black sword to only escape.
By this time, the body of Sung Chang Gung also arrived extreme limit, he sees that person have already driven sword to run and know that own body is to make track for not to ascend, he the unwilling nature takes back to flood in the body of'the Xuan Yin blood Yan absolute being Gang', slowly falls in the ground.
His in the mind doesn't already is sad, the mouth inside mutters a way:"The Die son is that I ain't good, have never looked after good you."
By this time his top of head spreads a clear and crisp kid's sound to ask a way:"Teacher how didn't you look after good Die son?"

First chapter 29 a long distance makes track for to kill
This is today midnight, see these days of stable renewals at me up, everyone to order to collect to recommend, thank, everyone is pleased over the weekend.
Hear this voice, Sung Chang Gung in the mind a pleased a surprised, he raises head, see small'jade Die'rush toward beautiful wing, not far in his top of head, just looking at him with curious big eyes.
"Yi!"Her elephant suddenly discovered what the rare strange thing is similar, fiercely flew down, by hand pointed on the face of Sung Chang Gung lightly put on for a while, then put in the mouth to lick to lick to say:
"Teacher, are these tears?I still see for the first time ah, its flavor strangely, I the good elephant know the mankind are sad to just shed tears, teacher you why sad?"
Sung Chang Gung lightly smiled under, embrace her in the bosom, lightly caress her long hair to say:"Nothing important, I just see you happy of, the mankind are sad will shed tears, happy will also."
Is small'jade Die'seem to be really to enjoy this kind of embrace Related articles:

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